id="mod_12540536">In this article I will talk about online poker addiction and why you should stop playing it. The First Story Every story of a poker addict starts with fun. This fun after a certain time becomes the reality of the person that further makes the life funny (in a negative sense). There are hundreds of research have been made to make an addict to stop gambling. I am not a researcher or did not go through any book that talks about it. Whatever I am writing is my own experience. If someone finds it interesting and meaningful and stops playing poker then this will make my effort fruitful. The reasons are taken mostly from my personal experiences, thus, you should read further articles specially who write professionally. Poker is a Drug: Poker addiction is like a drug. The more you play the more you lose and thus the more you play and the more you become addicted. It will continue until you finally are blocked in each and everyway. You can say when you are out of bank balance, it will be stopped automatically. Never ever! When you loved this article and you would love to receive much more information concerning [[|situs danamonqq]] assure visit the webpage. Ask a smoker who is addicted to cigarrette if it ever happened that s/he did not buy the cigarrette because s/he did not have any money to buy? Never!! It can be stopped for few hours. But an addict can't think more than having a cigarrette. May be s/he will try to find some coins here and there in the house. If s/he fails then s/he will ask for money to parents or partner and at first friends. If s/he is rejected s/he will try to smoke from the ash-tray- take the last part of the cigarrette what s/he had been smoking before. If nothing works, s/he will try to convince a saler if s/he can pay later or leave something valuable like mobile, watch etc. Well, these are extreme cases. As cigarrette is a less costly than laying online poker or taking any kind of drugs - the smoker succeeds within one or two steps of the process. But if s/he is a drug addict then s/he continues to steal things and etc etc. As poker is like a drug s/he will not stop searching for money. S/he will borrow money from friends and from each and every possible sources. It can start with one friend but will continue to many until a complex stands up in front of him/her. When this complexity comes up like have to pay the money back to the friends, one after another or in worse case to all of them at a time, then s/he does not find any other way except getting some helps either from friends or professionals or on the net to stop playing poker. But these helps does not help him/her financially as the pressure from the friends is always coming. Thus, s/he once again relies on poker. "Oh! I have 100 dollar, if I can make it to 1000 then I can pay to X". But anyhow s/he loses that 100 too. Thus, s/he mentally becomes imbalanced and dare to think of committing suicide. You know, I know, everyone knows we rarely play responsible gambling. So we can't stop people to be addicted to gambling as it is with cigarrette: "Smoking Kills" does not make a difference. You just don't stop smoking by seeing the slogan. It's a way to legalize gambling or smoking. So it is you and only you who can stop playing/smoking. Poker Addict is a Liar: Poker addiction makes someone to become a liar. Yes, you lie a lot if you are an addict. Poker Makes You unsocial: Poker makes you to behave like an unsocial and you become almost friendless. Friends don't Trust a Poker Addict: You lose your trustworthy from your friends, partner. In another word, you become wieghtless to them. They don't believe you or don't understand your attitude. It can put a relationship in a big danger. Specially if you have a family then it can bring unhappiness in your conjugal life, even can put your relationship with your partner in stake. Behaving Rudely: You behave very rudely to everyone with or without a reason and your friends or partner don't understand why you are doing so. They can leave you anytime and you would never realize that until they are gone. So stop palying poker and do something valuable for your friends and family. Affects the Rest of your Life: It makes you feel bad all the times. It affects your whole life and career. You think more about a losing hand on a poker table than your assigned task or other important things. Thus, you become mentally sick. You feel weak (mentally) yourself, you feel guilty and a cheat but once again you still play. In this process you become very weak minded, you become scared of any decision making, thus unable to make a serious decision yourself. Poker Makes you Isolated: you can become isolated. You use to miss important gathering with your friends but you do it because of the poker. As a result your friends will think at least 2 times before adding you to an occation. After a while you will feel like there is no one beside you except the poker. Poker Creates Irregularity: You don't eat food regularly and suffer from unhygien. You become unfit to everything. Poker Gives you Addiction: After a certain time poker gives you addiction. In this point you play just to play, not to win or lose. It becomes the medicine for you to cure your mental situation. Or you want to recover your [[|lost money]] but it leaves you poorer and poorer. You would not realize it until you are blocked in everyway. Poker Makes your Life Hell: Poker addiction makes your life hell. If you are addicted then you are in hell already. You will never get a normal life until you make the ultimate decision to stop playing poker. Conclusion: If you are addicted to poker, either, online or any kind, it is very hard to stop playing. Take two suggestions as the last options and I hope it should work and at least it will help you to recover quickly. Firstly, if you play online then close your eyes and call your internet provider and cancel the contract. As long as you don't have internet you can't play, at least, not at home. Secondly, if you use to go to any club or casino then talk to them and they will ban you from coming and playing there (if there is a system to check the ID before entering to club or casino). If none of them works then please see a doctor or psychologist as soon as possible. Check the complete list of how you can get rid of the addiction on one of my article that is coming soon and these ways much more practical than any other writers or psychologists have suggested. BUT You know everything is possible by human being. So Good luck! 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Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. sendingbigice 3 years ago i agree on every single word Sam 4 years ago Hey dfg, if what you saying is the truth then you actually made $50 a week, that is $50 for 35 hours per week as you played 5 hours a day, that is just over $1 per hour, that is pretty bad, go and get a proper job, like one of the previous comments the only winners are the casinos, poker is gambling, very little skill required and now everybody have that basic skill, its much harder to play and win at poker now, please stop , move on and never look back, i am 63 years old i played poker most of my life and i won many tournaments but if the truth to be told i lost a lot more than i won, just remember the times you lost with AA, and how often you lost on the river, your skills couldn't save you then. Twigs 5 years ago Are all the famous professionals lying addicts as well? What about all the professionals that make a decent living? dfg 5 years ago You have no idea of how poker works, do you? You can win at poker, in fact I played around 5 hours a day for 2 years and made $5000 in total. So I had fun and made some money. Ben Bautista 5 years ago from USA I'm a compulsive Is one of my game. In reality, there's no winnings in gambling! It's only this casino's that wins! .....better STOP....don't let gambling ruin your life..I've been there....I'm in the recovery day at a time ! El Blazo 5 years ago s/he x 10000 = really annoying ... lol 6 years ago What a load of bullshit. lol 6 years ago I agree with the conclusion that poker is a waste of time and should be stopped, but the reasons given are rather bad. collin82 7 years ago To: fairman2014; Or you have a problem and are lying. Don't you understand that poker addiction makes someone to become a liar. I think you have a classic case of "denial" and you have a serious problem with poker. fairman2014 7 years ago from St. Louis This is ridiculous. I've played serious poker since the 7th grade and have no such addiction or gambling problems. I've made thousands of dollars playing good, smart poker. AUTHORswedviking 8 years ago Thx. Spelling mistake. it should be "unhygien". haha... Alfreta Sailor 8 years ago from Southern California Very well put, swedviking. I've never had the problem, but it can happen at any time and to any one, so I do take this advice to heart. Very well written. Welcome to HubPages! By the way what is, "unhiegin?"