Toenail fungus, is a common fungal infection of the feet. The chances of getting a toenail fungal infection, however, are higher as shoes trap moisture, creating a healthy environment for the fungus to thrive in. Upon infection, the toenail(s) may become brittle, change shape, turn either dark in colour or get dull. Trim yellow fungal growth with clippers and soak your feet or fingers daily for 15 to 20 minutes in two parts warm water with one part apple cider vinegar. Tea tree oil. Lavender oil is known for its antifungal properties and can help combat mild cases of toenail fungus. There is a misconception that toenail fungus isn't curable. For infections affecting deeper layers of the nail, over-the-counter topical medications often don't penetrate the nail deeply enough to kill all of the fungus and prevent the infection from recurring. Toenail fungus can be cured easily with some natural treatments and home remedies. There are five home remedies that work well above the rest as toenail fungus treatment options. This may be why it's a popular folk remedy for toenail fungus. When done with either soak, dry your toenails thoroughly. The preparation has been used in Chinese medicinal practice to treat various fungal infections including ringworm, athlete's foot, tinea infections etc. A toenail fungus infection is caused by a group of fungi known as dermatophytes (tinea unguium). Take care of your feet - People who are into sports, tend to sweat more and [[|]] end up with either white toenail fungus or black toenail fungus. Treatment depends on the severity of your condition and the type of fungus causing it. It can take months to see results. This kind of fungus can gradually spread to your nails. Mix the apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water in a basin and then soak the affected foot (or feet) in the solution for about thirty minutes.