I can't do it anymore. Another good thing about hand sanitizers is that you can take them with you when you're out and about, when hand washing may not be possible. Rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds. Rub and rinse the hands in the mixture till they smell clean. Here's the NHS's official guidance on how to wash your hands properly , or you can just watch its official video below. Hand washing is also one of the most important ways to prevent the spread of infection among people in hospital. If yours does, make sure you do not touch any part of the hand dryer with your clean hands, as you will risk transferring bacteria back onto them. Wet your hands under warm running water. People in China found another way to greet since they can't shake hands. Washing your hands can protect you and your loved ones. Washing hands properly has been a message that medics have been pushing hard since the coronavirus outbreak. What you do after you've washed your hands is important, too, says Bloomfield. However, with the recent emergence of COVID-19, it's more important than ever to get real about washing your hands. Do not wet your hands or [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC7JnSkeyLM&hc_location=ufi|wash hands happy birthday]] the hand rub off. Interlock the Cs. Rub back and forth to clean tops of fingers. For the people who are still afraid to spoil their bags during the washing here's a hands on guide. Researchers noted study participants didn't always follow all of the WHO hand-washing steps. About the time it takes to sing ‘Happy Birthday' twice, making sure to cover palms, backs of hands, fingers, in between fingers, wrists, and fingernails," Kroshinsky told Healthline.