I can't do it anymore. Saying Hey Google, help me wash my hands" now triggers Google Assistant to play an instructional song to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat" for 40 seconds, which is the minimum duration recommended by WHO to truly get all that microscopic crud off your hands. The best line of defense against getting the flu, a cold or coronavirus is to wash your dang hands. You do not need to wash your hands after every single thing you touch, but is a good idea to take preemptive measures. There are also times when you need to properly wash your hands that are not always quite so obvious to everyone. My mom sent me the hand washing black light comparison. Most of us would find it strange to see young people walking around with warts on their hands. Hand washing is vital no matter where you work - from offices and shops to hotels and hospitals. Some garments with a "dry clean only" instruction" can be washed using your washer provided that you use cold water temperature only and the delicate laundry cycle. According to the NHS , you should wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, or as long as it takes you to sing Happy Birthday" twice. Chances are you have been washing your own hands for quite a while. Global health chiefs have hailed it as one of the most important ways to prevent catching COVID-19: regular and effective hand hygiene. The guidance for effective handwashing and use of hand sanitizer was developed based on data from a number of studies. Use sanitizer on your hands after dealing with car service belt buckles, train seats and subway poles. Wet hands with running water (preferably warm). Rinse your hands thoroughly under clean, running water. Allow for two minutes (or, at the very least, 20 seconds of rigorous scrub time after lathering, as recommended by the [[http://www.you2repeat.com/watch?v=JC7JnSkeyLM|#washyourhands]] U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Once your 20 seconds is up, rinse your hands thoroughly to remove all the debris you just scrubbed off. Alcohol or other alcohol-based hand cleansers can also be used as an organic solvent that can help to get rid of the smell of oily gasoline residue from the hands. 2. Wet hands with water. The hand rub dries in 20-30 seconds. It will also provide you with a free downloadable hand washing poster that you can display in your premises.