In the first installment we discovered we must be doers of God's Word and not hearers; to put it differently, we have to determine what the Word of God says about a matter and do exactly what it says to complete. The second key we centered on was faith. We found out that it can be impossible to impress God without faith. We also learned that faith comes by hearing God's Word with a matter, and lastly, after hearing that word one must plan to make a change.

(Image: inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 150:1-6). Praising God is a marvellous solution for that many evil attacks that people take care of everyday; while acknowledging that God has power over everybody, thing, and circumstance. This is our possibility to express to God that we are not without Him; but, everything through Him. An adoration prayer we can focus and acknowledge God's existence and provide Him each of the praise for His benevolence. We never desire to forget that God will be the author and finisher in our faith (Hebrews 12:2). We should bear in mind to approach the Throne of Grace with humility and gratitude toward a loving God.

Immediately G-d will feel tremendous mercy with them. He will “Why should these unfortunates suffer anymore. They have suffered enough, inside the time they have already served in Gehenna”. He will sign up for the recommendations for Hell in front of the entire assembly, and hand them to the arch-angels Gabriel and Michael and say to them “Open the doors, and take these souls away from Hell, for these are keepers of “Amen” - even within hell they answer “Amen” Immediately the angels take those keys and open the forty thousand doors of Gehenna and release these souls from purgatory.

If we were honest, we may admit that some distress can be caring for bodies: driving carefully, eating sensibly; wearing suntan lotion; getting adequate quantities of rest; having regular dentist and doctor exercising our minds: by reading newspapers, borrowing books from the local libraries, listening to various kinds of music, developing a nourishing our souls - by savouring the advantage of the world around us, by being humbled with the understanding the gift of our own life, since they can be appreciative and thankful to the blessings around us.

At its simplest, it is deemed an entice look at the plight from the millions lost from God, who will be completely indifferent with their located on the broad road which leads to hell itself. This is a simple reflection on the terrible slide with the Western world into increasing post-Christian decadence and depression with the breakup of many families, where vicious gangland violence and street crime rule whole areas of our degraded cities, where girls and younger ladies are kept in brutal prostitution, where we see, before our eyes, the alarming disintegration and collapse of ordered, civil society, where the compulsive craving for weird and senseless thrills of people thinking just as if these were meaningless genetic junk (but know they're not) and where sex and drugs, or the wild excitement of the crowded concert, or perhaps an escape in a computerised fantasy world might quell the madness of computer all.