(Image: https://scontent-ssn1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/56547458_1331046133700480_1285833313176627210_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-ssn1-1.cdninstagram.com\u0026_nc_cat=108\u0026_nc_ohc=LM-RKWiTX7kAX_wnyU-\u0026oh=42cd0b46867937dc7d4217ba722071bd\u0026oe=5EB47B52)We all have seen a lot of song contest on television or in school, college, societies and other social events. And everyone has a different opinion about the credibility and genuineness of these contests. Most of the people who have a negative opinion about song competitions are either totally unaware of want they are saying or have not been able to win a contest in past. Its the frustration speaking, not the man. We should be smart enough to believe what we want to believe rather than be affected by someone's opinion.

Lately I have noticed that there have been a lot of myths and rumors about the song contest credibility and value. Here is a well researched and elaborated point wise discussion on such rumors of song contest.

Myth: The song contest is rigged and some players have influential advantage. Fact: I might have to agree with some of you as sometimes it may happen that one or more contestants has an undeserving advantage but this mostly happens in local and low level song competitions. There are a few very good and SM카지노 totally unbiased song contests happening on the internet. When it happens on a large scale and on a big platform, normally its a genuine competition.

Myth: The promises of a growing career and 더킹카지노 better opportunities after winning the song contest are fake. Fact: There are a lot of opportunities and prizes to be grabbed by a winner. These contests are usually judged by the top players of the music industry who are always looking for new talent in the music industry. If you have that zing required to be a successful song writer then your talent will be noticed and opportunities will automatically flow your way. Its obvious that if your songs are heard by the right people then big opportunities are bound to emerge for you.

Myth: There is only one winner who takes everything and nothing is given to runner ups and participants. Fact: In some song contests its true, but nowadays song contests are such organized that the runner ups are also give enough rewards and opportunities. Rest of the participants must accept that those who won the song competition deserved to get rewarded and try to learn from their mistakes and shortcomings. Contesting against and sharing the platform with people from your domain is a very enlightening and self evaluating opportunity. We should not forget that the feedback and suggestions given by the judges are very crucial and helpful as they have been in this business from a long time. Moreover as your work is evaluated and judged by the top players in the music industry therefore even if you don,t win, and have what its take to be a great song writer, you can still get the golden break if any judge likes your style.

Don't get affected by the rumors as they are for losers. If you have the talent and confidence to win a song contest, you must enroll yourself to one now.

California song contest is the one of such contests whose mission is to create an environment where talented songwriters can be recognized and given a lifetime opportunity to be discovered by the music industry. So if you think you have that talent then visit California Song Contest and get your talent judged by the best players in the industry.