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Lords of Cthul

A truly alien and inexplicable godlike creature from a dimension beyond human ken, Cthugrosh was summoned to Earth by the depraved sacrifices of his occult worshipers, all of whom were slain upon his arrival. Heralded as a bringer of apocalypse, Cthugrosh is one of the greatest Lords of Cthul, an entity that draws power from carnage and whose gluttony for life’s energy seems inexhaustible. Alien as his mind is, it is also immensely powerful, capable of tremendous feats of telekinesis and unleashing mind-rending surges of pure energy.


Alpha Form Attacks Linked Abilities
Speed 6 Brawl 7 + 4 -
Defense 8 Blast [3] 5 + 3 -
Health 11 → 6 Power 6 + 4 -
Hyper Form Attacks Linked Abilities
Speed 6 Brawl 8 + 5 -
Defense 8 Blast [5] 5 + 4 Fling
Health 5 → 0 Power 7 + 4 -


Alpha Form Description
Action: Sacrifice

During your Monster Activation, this model can spend one Action Die to perform a Sacrifice action. Destroy one adjacent allied unit to restore one point of health to this monster.

Action: Summon

During your Monster Activation, this model can spend one Action Die to perform a Summon action. Take one Faction unit from your unit reserves and place it in play adjacent to this model.

Action: Telekinesis

During this model's activation, this model can spend one Action Die to perform a Telekinesis action. Choose one unit within two spaces of this model. Move the chosen unit one space.

High Mobility

A model with High Mobility can move through other models and treats all terrain as open terrain. A model with High Mobility is immune to hazards except when it ends its advancement on a hazard, but it still suffers all effects as a result of colliding with hazards and other models. A unit with High Mobility cannot end its movement on impassible terrain.

High Mobility is denoted by the following symbol on a card:

Hyper Form Description
Action: Summon

During your Monster Activation, this model can spend one Action Die to perform a Summon action. Take one Faction unit from your unit reserves and place it in play adjacent to this model.

Action: Telekinesis

During this model's activation, this model can spend one Action Die to perform a Telekinesis action. Choose one unit within two spaces of this model. Move the chosen unit one space.


When this attack hits a unit, choose a building or enemy model within five spaces of the unit hit. Roll the dice in play. If the chosen model's DEF is equal to or less than the number of strikes rolled, it takes 1 damage point.

High Mobility

A model with High Mobility can move through other models and treats all terrain as open terrain. A model with High Mobility is immune to hazards except when it ends its advancement on a hazard, but it still suffers all effects as a result of colliding with hazards and other models. A unit with High Mobility cannot end its movement on impassible terrain.

High Mobility is denoted by the following symbol on a card:


While adjacent to this model, enemy units cannot roll Boost Dice in their attacks.






Lords of Cthul Models
Meat Slave
Task Master
Void Gate