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Planet Eaters

Those who thought they had seen the worst the Planet Eaters had to offer when they witnessed Gorghadra had yet to behold the terror brought by the one called Rogzor. This creature’s every action seems to defy known physics as it unleashes an unceasing barrage of annihilating energy from the web-like structures that unfold along its appendages. Its footsteps have changed the course of rivers, and its raw power has leveled mountains. It cannot be reasoned with or understood and seems motivated solely by the desire to bring about the utter disintegration of the Earth and its inhabitants, siphoning power from everything it turns to ash. Woe to any man, machine, or beast that stands in Rogzor’s path.


Alpha Form Attacks Linked Abilities
Speed 6 Brawl 6 + 3 -
Defense 8 Blast [5] 6 + 4 Devastation, Penetrator
Health 10 → 6 Power 5 + 3 -
Hyper Form Attacks Linked Abilities
Speed 7 Brawl 6 + 4 -
Defense 8 Blast [5] 8 + 6 Beat Back, Devastation, Penetrator
Health 5 → 0 Power 5 + 4 -


Alpha Form Description
High Impact

While this model is in play, allied Faction units gain +1 Boost Die when participating in blast attacks.


If this attack his a building, all units adjacent to the target building with a DEF equal to of less than the number of strikes rolled suffer 1 damage point as a result of this attack. When determining the DEF of adjacent models, add any bonuses to DEF against blast attacks, including cover.


When resolving this attack, the target model suffers -1 DEF, to a minimum of 1.

Hyper Form Description
High Impact

While this model is in play, allied Faction units gain +1 Boost Die when participating in blast attacks.

Return Fire

When this model is missed by a blast attack, it can immediately make a blast attack with the dice in play.

Beat Back

If this model hits an enemy monster with this attack, after the attack is resolved you can move the monster hit up to two spaces in a straight line in any direction. During this movement, the target monster moves through and collides with buildings, units, and hazards in it's path. The target monster stops moving if it collides with another monster.


If this attack his a building, all units adjacent to the target building with a DEF equal to of less than the number of strikes rolled suffer 1 damage point as a result of this attack. When determining the DEF of adjacent models, add any bonuses to DEF against blast attacks, including cover.


When resolving this attack, the target model suffers -1 DEF, to a minimum of 1.


Rogzor is the first ranged monster for Destroyers with a focus on buffing Faction ranged unit and having a powerful base clearing ranged attack. It is all about the ranged attack for Rogzor, so having Communications Array is almost mandatory if you are running Rogzor.

Care must be taken as Rogzor is also a pedestrian monster with no access to High Mobility and Flight and only having 10 health instead of the typical 11 health.

Another thing to consider is that despite Rogzor's profficiency for ranged attack, don't discount any possibilities of doing chain power attacks when it can do more than 1 damage to the opponent's monster.

Alpha Form

  • High Impact: This ability buffs your Faction ranged unit, which means Belcher, Scorchers and Exterminatrix will add an extra blue dice to their shot. Coupled with an elite Belcher nearby, a squad of 3 Belcher can potentially dish out 3 white , 9 blue dice attack from 9 squares away.
  • Devastation: If Rogzor's ranged attack destroys a building, any securing unit will be destroyed as well, destroying your enemy's secure and gaining you 5 power dice from afar. Just be careful of any unit with Hunker as they won't be destroyed.
  • Penetrator - Ranged: Rogzor's shot are deadly accurate. This translates to one less power dice in order to hit the enemy.

Hyper Form

A straight upgrade from Rogzor's alpha form, the shots are more accurate with 5 blue dice while keeping Penetrator for a more accurate shot and High Impact for buffing unit. Rogzor now has Beat Back on ranged attack which can push enemy monster into building for extra damage.

  • High Impact: This ability buffs your Faction ranged unit, which means Belcher, Scorchers and Exterminatrix will add an extra blue dice to their shot. Coupled with an elite Belcher nearby, a squad of 3 Belcher can potentially dish out 3 white , 9 blue dice attack from 9 squares away.
  • Return Fire: This ability can punish half-hearted ranged shot at Rogzor, usually coming in from units. Dice in play meaning the dice that your opponents use to attack Rogzor.
  • Beat Back: Excellent for an extra source of damage, Rogzor can hang back behind screen or buildings and fire from across the map.
  • Devastation: If Rogzor's ranged attack destroys a building, any securing unit will be destroyed as well, destroying your enemy's secure and gaining you 5 power dice from afar. Just be careful of any unit with Hunker as they won't be destroyed.
  • Penetrator - Ranged: Rogzor's shot are deadly accurate. This translates to one less power dice in order to hit the enemy.


Rogzor ideally wants the pair to be taken out first because as long as Rogzor's alive the ranged attack buff will be on. Someone with High Mobility should be considered as main priority because that will setup alley-oops.

Gorghadra: While Gorghadra is a powerful albeit basic monster by itself, having 2 monsters without access to High Mobility or Flight means that you will be limited in mobility.

Cthugrosh: With Cthugrosh as your partner you will need to maximize the unit turns the most as Cthugrosh will help to summon elite units while Rogzor buffs the accuracy of Belchers. Cthugrosh also has a screen clearing ability in both form which will be able to setup angle of attacks.

Yasheth: A monster focused on melee and another that's focused on ranged attack makes for a not very good combination in a glance. However, Yasheth does have High Mobility which can setup angle of attacks and Arcane Void does trigger off friendly units.

Ulgoth: 12 HP, Disruption and Unwieldy makes Ulgoth a very un-appealing monster to kill first which means the opponent will go after Rogzor first and ignore the bloated mass. That said, you can play Ulgoth forward to disrupt the opponent as much as you can to force them into engaging Ulgoth first.

Ares Mothership: She is the queen of screen clear and mobility with Speed 7 and Flight. Her Transport can help create precious screens and setup alley-oops.

Deimos-9: Deimos' Grappler makes for some interesting placement puzzle. Both monsters have defense reducing abilities so you can have accurate pot shots while being perfectly screened from the enemy.

Hammerklak: Having 2 monsters on 10 HP each might seem a recipe for disaster. But you should never underestimate the mole's Crunch which can pull off super damage even in alpha form. Klak's mobility should always be taken into consideration meaning Klak can play a bit forward with Rogzor shooting enemy base from a cover.
