Krakenoctus Tournament Lists

Welcome to the Krakenoctus Tournament Lists page. On this page you will find the lists that have placed at events that have used Krakenoctus.

Total Event Placements: 2

Event Name: Monsterpocalypse Tabletop Simulator Tournament #1
Event Type: Online
Number of Players: 14
Placement: 1st
Player: Nick Woodward (BoxyMD)

King Kondo

5x Assault Ape Grunt
2x Assault Ape Elite
1x Rocket Ape
1x Repair Truck
1x Command Ape
3x Bellower Grunt
2x Sun Fighter Grunt
1x Interceptor
1x Shadow Gate
1x Carnidon Elite
2x Pteradactix

4x Downtown Highrise
1x G.U.A.R.D Defense Base
1x Imperial State Building
1x Industrial Complex
1x Mount Terra
1x Power Plant
3x Sun Industries Building

Event Name: Crush Hour at Top Deck (1/26/2020)
Event Type: In Person
Number of Players: 10
Placement: 1st
Player: Nick Woodward


3x Assault Ape Grunt
1x Assault Ape Elite
3x Carnidon Grunt
1x Carnidon Elite
1x Rocket Ape
1x Repair Truck
2x Bellower Grunt
2x Sun Fighter Grunt
2x Exo-Armor Grunt
1x Interceptor
1x Shadow Gate
2x Pteradactix

4x Downtown Highrise
1x G.U.A.R.D Defense Base
1x Imperial State Building
1x Industrial Complex
1x Mount Terra
1x Power Plant
1x Communications Array
2x Sun Industries Building

NOTE: If you are interested in posting tournament results, please contact BoxyMD on Discord (BoxyMD#1415). In order to record an event, a player attendance of 4+ players is the minimal requirement. Events with less than 8 players will have the winning list recorded while events with 8+ players will have the top three lists recorded.