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Shadow Sun Syndicate

From Shadow, Light

Hidden behind a shroud of enigmatic activities, the criminal cartel known as the Shadow Sun Syndicate alleges its mission is to preserve humanity and society—though sometimes this seems to come at the cost of that very humanity and society. Indeed, observers often have difficulty determining whose interests the Syndicate serves, for they clash with law enforcement and military agencies as often as with cosmic and interdimensional threats. Each of their hi-tech armored suits contains a human transformed into a weapon of war through the application of incredibly advanced science. They can morph at will from human size to 60-meter super-fighters employing a destructive combination of martial arts and energy weapons. While its methods remain unpredictable, the Shadow Sun Syndicate has won the hearts of countless people who see these giant warriors not as rogues but as awe-inspiring knights ready to battle the forces that menace the world.

x Agenda: Protectors


